In the second of our mini:mu lessons, we look at how to use gestures to control sounds. Our mini:mu glove kits are a great way of using an interest in crafting and music to get some sneaky coding in! We've been running workshops for a while now, and have now adapted them for the classroom.
If you missed the "making the glove" lesson it is available here.

In lesson two, your class will learn about physical computing and the role coding plays in creative technologies. They will use a block code editor to create and upload their first code to the microbit, then program simple sounds and tunes to be triggered by movement and gesture. You will need the gloves from the previous lesson, although this one can be used stand-alone to explore gesture based triggers for the microbit.
Download the lesson plan and handouts here (pdf)
You can find support materials for loading code onto a micro:bit here (Blog post, pdf, and PowerPoint slides)